No health care CARES if it provides ABORTION

By Marta Alves


Who defended your fragile life when you were in your mother’s womb? 

Who was speaking for your human rights as a baby in your mother’s womb?



Were your mother’s rights above your right to live when you were in her womb?

Could you trust your mother with your life now?  Yes. Then?  Yes, You could.

Were your father’s rights above your right to live when you were in your mother’s womb?

Could you trust your father with your life now?  Yes. Then?  Yes, You could.

Who is speaking on behalf of the child in the mother’s womb today?  In 2009?  In 2010? In 2011? In 2012?  The Catholic Church and many people led by conviction and the respect of God’s fifth commandment  “Thou shall not kill” are speaking on behalf of the child in the mother’s womb.

If you were born before the Roe Vs. Wade  - A ruling in 1973 by the US Supreme Court that made abortion legal - your rights to live in your mother’s womb were protected by law.

Abortion in the USA today is legal.  The white wash on the wall of sin is that it is the choice of the mother to decide if the child in her womb is to be born or to die.  When the mother’s choice is to kill, that is no choice but murder.  The Nelson-Hatch-Casey amendment which would have kept  in place the longstanding and widely supported federal policy against government funding of health coverage that includes elective abortions.”  What is happening in the Senate today? The senators who voted are not thinking. They are making ethical decisions with tired minds and unprepared spirits. Who is going to stand up and defend the unborn? We need to stand up and be counted. Silence is approval and we cannot longer be silent. Why? To enjoy life a child needs to be alive. We are silencing lives that will not be able to taste freedom or to speak, by making thoughtless and careless decisions about health care.

Who defended our fragile life when we were in our mother’s womb? Our mothers defended our fragile lives when we were in their wombs and carried us in love and for love.  Our fathers defended our fragile lives when we were in our mother’s wombs and protected our mothers who carried us in love and for love.  The foundation of the family was and it needs to be the love of God above all founded in love, faith and hope.  God’s love is sufficient to help us through the storms of life. He is our support  and the rock of our salvation. To trust God is to love God. God cares for every one of us. He does not want abortions. The gift of life is His to give or to take away. He controls life and death.  God always cares.


No health care CARES if it provides abortion. No health care CARES for the individuals if it becomes a bureaucracy, a pile of paper, a number.  Private industry regulated by fair laws and driven by the interest of caring for the individual where they are will make the American medical system more effective.  Socialize medicine will become a ball and chain that future generations will suffer for. The creativity and innovative spirit of America will become lazy and non-productive. Why work hard if there is no reward for hard work.

Some of our elected officials believe that government has all the solutions, while others are what made this country what it is: The individual within a family needs to learn to stand on his two feet and with creativity search for what is needed to solve the problems that he may encounter, always praying first before making a decision.  Government cannot solve our problems and provide for our individual needs. Ask not what the government can do for you but what you can do for yourself and for your family, friends and communities.  With God as our guide, we can follow a leader who trusts God.  The beginning of a very sad story is to allow government to pay for abortions. No faith or moral guide is given to those who consider abortion and a green light is given to an action without the knowledge of everlasting consequence on a poor sinner’s soul.

We need to defend life. To enjoy freedom, we need to be alive.To be alive, we need to have laws to safeguard life from conception to natural death. Government cannot do that. Religion and moral guidance will give the moral foundation for life and death decisions. An amoral government cannot enlighten the soul in everlasting matters.

A woman was given the gift by God to be able to carry a human life within her womb from conception till birth, which usually without failure happens 9 months after conception.

The baby in his mother’s womb is not a possibility but a certainty. It is not potential life, but a life full of potential.

No woman has the right to take a life

To take the life of a defenseless person is a sin

To take a life is a sin

To take a life of a child is a sin

To take the life of a defenseless baby within his mother’s womb is a sin

Once pregnant, a woman is a mother… a mother protects the child in her womb.

Father, mother and child need to be protected under the law of the land. Divine justice dictates that protection is due to mother and child in an equal manner.

Abortion is not a choice given to a woman.  Both mother and child have equal right to live.

Abortion is not a choice given to the unborn child.

Abortion is not a choice.

Abortion is death to a child not to be sponsored, supported or promoted by the law of the land. Abortion is not to be paid with public funds.

The day we die, we will stand in front of God’s throne and not only be  judged by what we have done (our sins) but what we could have done and did not do (sins of omission).  It comes down to one question: Are you speaking for life at home? At work?   Are you speaking about life to your children?  To your spouse?  To your representative?  To your senator?  To the president?  To your newspaper? If we stand quietly and let abortion be paid with our tax dollars, we are guilty because we did not do anything to stop the abortions.

Thinking is a right given by God to every human being and it cannot be taken away. We need to think about what is happening to our laws. Logic does not need explanation.

Let us celebrate life and pray for abortions to stop in America. We love our children.  For the sake of the future of our children, we need to speak for life. America needs to love families and to work to strengthen families and their children in their relationships.  Only so, America will grow strong and healthy as the families are united and strengthen.  A nation under God will ring true in everyone’s ears. The Ten Commandments will command our actions as the Golden Rule of behavior for all to follow. Where do you stand? Do you realize you are able to stand because your mother lovingly defended your life?

God loves us all. He says in Jeremiah 1:5: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.



Links to Resources

Bishops Encourage Vigilance that Health Care Legislation Protects Conscience, does not Fund Abortion

Bishops Deeply Disappointed by Senate Vote to Table Nelson-Hatch-Casey Amendment (Dec 9, 2009)


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Respect to Life Office