Grandmother - Abuelita


When I grow old and feeble and in my old age

I start acting crazy and forget to pray...


Please, my son,

Fold my hands and help me pray!


When tired

After years of life,

Saturated by medicines

And with a weak heart

I forget to pray...


Please, my child,

Fold my hands and help me pray!


When with tired steps

I can walk just a short way

Overwhelmed by the weight of time

I forget to pray...

Please, my love,

Fold my hands and help me pray!


If I act crazy... don’t resent me.

My mind is tired

And although my soul still the same...

This old body of mine doesn’t respond anymore.

Respect me for what I was...

Don’t make fun of me.


This old body of mine is but my shell

That slowly chips and falls away.

Give me love and understanding...

In this last phase of life but most of all:


When I start acting crazy... Pray with me!


If you are not here to do it ... Pray for me!

Just keep me in your prayers in these final earthly days...




Ó 1983  Marta More Alves


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